Saturday, October 6, 2007

D'bags sweep playoffs

diamondbacks win playoffs, pakistan fakes elections, congresswoman dies, bigass chinese stormD'backs... oh... my bad. Sorry everyone. Its awesome that al-jazeera qualified their headline with quotation marks... Musharraf "wins". If by win... you mean completely ignored any semblance of law and just did what he wanted to (bush), then you would be correct. Also, a member of congress died, but sports headlines are way more important anyway.

Funny thing on the Fox news website... this was at the bottom of the page with the other opinion columns...
should politicians be allowed to lie in campaign ads?The full text of the article is as follows:

Truth or Consequences

The Washington state Supreme Court has ruled that the government cannot stop political candidates from lying in campaign ads. The court ruled five-to-four that a state law aimed at punishing political candidates for false advertising violates free speech rights.

Justice Jim Johnson wrote for the majority — "There can be no doubt that false personal attacks are too common in political campaigns, with wide-ranging detrimental consequences ... However, government censorship ... is not a constitutionally permitted remedy."

But Justice Barbara Madsen called the ruling — "An invitation to lie with impunity." And she added — "It is little wonder that so many view political campaigns with distrust and cynicism."

I understand the 1st amendment issues here... but... aren't flat out lies about someone considered... defamation?

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