Friday, October 5, 2007


Barack Obama is a badassIf this doesn't demonstrate Fox News' bias then nothing does.
These people deserve a special place in hell for distorting the media to such a crazy degree. I decided to show everyone how full of crap Fox is by compiling photos of the presidential candidates from the Republican team. Enjoy.

Mit Romney without a flag pin, what a P.O.S. Mormon asshole.Mit Romney: Old, Mormon, unpatriotic

Senator Brownback doesn't wear a flag pin.Senator Brownback: A no-pin-wearing IED-planting terrorist.

Fred Thompson without a flag pin.Fred Thompson and the Chief Justice, both disrespecting the victims of 9/11 and lady liberty herself without their pins.

Huckabee without a flag pinI don't heart Huckabee unless he sports the flag in miniature form... on his lapel. Bastard.

Rudy without a flag pinAmerica's Mayor? Or America's Douchebag? Where's your pin? Must have left it at home... traitor.

John McCain is a badass and everyone needs to shut their mouth. He can not wear a pin if he so chooses.Seriously now... John Mccain was tortured in Vietnam and volunteered to stay a P.O.W. so as to avoid the appearance of favoritism. If you say he's not a patriot you deserve to have your genitals torn out through your mouth, and he's not sportin' the pin.

President Bush without a flag pinWho is this handsome man? Oh... its the President... without a pin.

Ronald Reagan without a flag pinEssentially Jesus to conservatives. He doesn't have a pin.

The point of all this is that if cast a ballot for a candidate based on their choice in wearing or not wearing a tiny metal flag pin... you don't deserve to vote.

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